The Weekly Muse: 18th Edition
Welcome to The Weekly Muse, a behind the scenes look at weekly happenings, musings, and favorite things that caught my eye. I bet you’ll like them too!

My week at a glance
• It seems that we are having an early fall here in central North Carolina and I’m not mad about it one bit.
I’m d-o-n-e with mosquitoes and no-see-ums!
• I’ve been talking about painting pumpkins for weeks and finally got started.

My daughter and granddaughters came over to paint with me. Theirs turned out really cute, but I’m not every enamored with mine. Hopefully, I can get it looking better.
• A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that my fall tour would be this week. It didn’t happen, in case you didn’t notice.
Remember that church banquet I told you I was helping with?

Everything turned out beautifully and it was a wonderful evening, but let’s just say that all of the work knocked me on my nether regions for a couple of days and I couldn’t get it done.
I will be sharing my fall decor though – hopefully next week.
Sunday Scripture
I’ve been thinking a lot about perseverance this week as I watch kiddos struggling with a heavy workload and studying this school year.
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9, ESV
Inspiring Me
If you want fall decor inspiration that is timeless and oh-so elegant, check out this Fall Home Tour from Our Southern Home. It is simply stunning.

These painted pumpkins are so pretty and cheerful. Don’t they just make you so excited and happy for fall?

This wooden pedestal bowl would be perfect in the kitchen. I love the beaded detail.

If you are looking for a fun, fall handbag, this crossbody is so elegant and really affordable, too.

I can’t wait to try this creamy baked fajita chicken casserole. Looks like the perfect easy, weeknight meal.